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:: 5/29/2003 ::

"Yes, our first ancestors, our Adams and our Eves, were, if not gorillas, very near relatives of gorillas, omnivorous, intelligent and ferocious beasts, endowed in a higher degree than the animals of another species with two precious faculties - the power to think and the desire to rebel.

These faculties, combining their progressive action in history, represent the essential factor, the negative power in the positive development of human animality, and create consequently all that constitutes humanity in man.


God admitted that Satan was right; he recognized that the devil did not deceive Adam and Eve in promising them knowledge and liberty as a reward for the act of disobedience which he bad induced them to commit; for, immediately they had eaten of the forbidden fruit, God himself said (see Bible): "Behold, man is become as of the Gods, knowing both good and evil; prevent him, therefore, from eating of the fruit of eternal life, lest he become immortal like Ourselves.

Let us disregard now the fabulous portion of this myth and consider its true meaning, which is very clear. Man has emancipated himself; he has separated himself from animality and constituted himself a man; he has begun his distinctively human history and development by an act of disobedience and science - that is, by rebellion and by thought.

Three elements or, if you like, three fundamental principles constitute the essential conditions of all human development, collective or individual, in history:

(1) human animality;

(2) thought; and

(3) rebellion.;

To the first properly corresponds social and private economy; to the second, science; to the third, liberty.

Idealists of all schools, aristocrats and bourgeois, theologians and metaphysicians, politicians and moralists, religionists, philosophers, or poets, not forgetting the liberal economists - unbounded worshippers of the ideal, as we know - are much offended when told that man, with his magnificent intelligence, his sublime ideas, and his boundless aspirations, is, like all else existing in the world, nothing but matter, only a product of vile matter.


There is another reason which explains and in some sort justifies the absurd beliefs of the people - namely, the wretched situation to which they find themselves fatally condemned by the economic organization of society in the most civilized countries of Europe. Reduced, intellectually and morally as well as materially, to the minimum of human existence, confined in their life like a prisoner in his prison, without horizon, without outlet, without even a future if we believe the economists, the people would have the singularly narrow souls and blunted instincts of the bourgeois if they did not feel a desire to escape; but of escape there are but three methods - two chimerical and a third real. The first two are the dram-shop and the church, debauchery of the body or debauchery of the mind; the third is social revolution. Hence I conclude this last will be much more potent than all the theological propagandism of the freethinkers to destroy to their last vestige the religious beliefs and dissolute habits of the people, beliefs and habits much more intimately connected than is generally supposed. In substituting for the at once illusory and brutal enjoyments of bodily and spiritual licentiousness the enjoyments, as refined as they are real, of humanity developed in each and all, the social revolution alone will have the power to close at the same time all the dram-shops and all the churches.

Till then the people. Taken as a whole, will believe; and, if they have no reason to believe, they will have at least a right."

bakunin god and state

:: phil 10:04 [link] ::


Liberación, "La humanidad se libera de la miseria", 1963- Jorge González Camarena

this is actually my favourite mural (also bellas artes, mx d.f., 5x10 metres)- unfortunately there's only this slightly larger version available, colours are equally off. just trust me when i tell you it is very sexy indeed. i spent around an hour in front of it, mostly with mouth half-open like some teenager confronted w/ first piece of pornographic material! no offense to a nice floral stilleben- this line of art has the additional merit of advanced content beyond questions of perception.

camarena is depicting three stages of emancipation, with the final stage (lady over on the far right) representing the enlightened human spirit. she's actually in futuristic blue and got flashes of energy all around her which aren't visible here. i need not add she's very tasty indeed.

the two characters to the left represent the very first stage (enslavement) - the physically restrained brownie is pretty much self-explanatory i should think. the rather pale female next to him has various marks which seem to shine through the skin- mythology and ideological mechanisms for control.

struggle takes off with the purple guy straining (muscles bulging etc) whilst character no 4 is just breaking loose! hehe.. once again i should emphasize just how impressive especially this massive character (5x3 metres!) with all the meticulously detailed muscles (effort!).. and then there's the lady! the whole thíng just smells of sweet freedom..

:: phil 08:53 [link] ::


Man at the Crossroads. Long title: Man at crossroads looking with hope and high vision to the choosing of a new and better future, 1934- Painted by Diego Rivera. Fresco

"This painting had been contracted to be made in the RCA building (Rockfeller Center) in New York City in 1932. Before being able to complete the fresco, Rockfeller, seeing the revolutionary connotations within, demanded Rivera take Lenin out of the painting. Rivera refused to censor his work, and the entire Fresco was destroyed. Rivera would later reproduce a smaller version of this Fresco in Mexico City."

[that is when he came to include rockefeller at the controls of the micro/macrocosm machine in the middle- saw this in museo de bellas artes, mx d.f. also note the bourgeois celebrating to the left- revolutionaries to the right (if you're reading this you should be able to recognise trotzky and KM near red banner). Note that religion (white statue) is, of course, on the left with the establishment- as is science. click thumbnail for proper version]

"Siqueiros did not have a favorable opinion of Rivera’s politics either. Rivera had been active in the Mexican Communist Party from 1922 when he joined, to 1929 when he was expelled, apparently because of his stand on trade union issues and possibly also because of his admiration for Trotsky. (He was reinstated in 1954, three years before his death.) The problem with Rivera was not passivity, as with Orozco, but over-activity. Rivera was politically anarchic. As one Mexican friend mildly put it, his politics were “susceptible to circumstantial variation.”

[n.b. siqueiros is a mexican muralist- and stalinist- who was first to attempt trotzky assassination!]

Although Rivera was ousted from the Party, he continued to play a political role in Mexico and to express his Communist faith in his murals. “Art,” he said, “is one of the most efficient subversive agents.” He explained away his working for Capitalists by saying that he was following Lenin’s advice to work from within the enemy camp.

"Rivera’s artistic credo is the opposite of Orozco’s. Rivera said: “To be an artist one must first be a man vitally concerned with all problems of social struggle, unflinching in portraying them without concealment or evasion, never shirking the truth as he understands it, never withdrawing from life. As a painter his problems are those of his craft, he is a workman and an artisan. As an artist he must be a dreamer; he must interpret the unexpressed hopes, fears and desires of his people and of his time, he must be the conscience of his culture. His work must contain the whole substance of morality not in content but rather by the sheer force of its aesthetic facts.”

:: phil 07:52 [link] ::


:: 5/28/2003 ::
hicks.. got to love him

"What do atheists scream when they come?"

"Watch CNN Headline news for an hour, its the most depressing fucking thing: WAR, FAMINE, DEATH, AIDS, HOMELESS, RECESSION, DEPRESSION... and you look out your window

cricket sounds..

where's all this shit happening?!"

"I smoke... if this bothers anyone I recommend you look around this world in which we live in.. and shutin' your fucking mouth."

"While I appreciate your quaint traditions, superstitions.. I, on the other hand, am an evolved being who deals solely with the source of light which exists in all of us in our own minds.. no middle man required .... there is a LIVING GOD THAT WILL TALK DIRECTLY FUCKING TO YOU!"

"By the way, if any of your are in marketing or advertising.. kill yourself"

"Its gonna take a very special woman.. or a bunch of average ones"

:: phil 17:44 [link] ::


Harper's Index - May 2003

Last calendar year in which the Dow Jones Industrial Average gained in value : 1999

Last period in which the Dow declined for four consecutive years : 1929–1932

Percentage change since 1968 in the real value of the U.S. federal minimum wage : –37

Factor by which Americans' total debt to private lenders for college tuition has increased since 1995 : 4

Factor by which industry funding for university biomedical research has increased since 1980 : 22

Percentage change since 1988 in the average subscription price of a U.S. scientific, medical, or technical journal : +250

Number of words that the New York Times has devoted to February's shuttle accident per resulting death : 28,500

Number of words that the Times devoted to 1998's U.S. Embassy bombings in Africa per resulting death : 163

Percentage of Americans who believed in early March that Saddam Hussein was involved in the September 11 attacks : 45

Weeks before this poll was taken that President Bush said that he "can't make [the] claim" of such a link : 5

Ratio of the price of a barrel of oil in March to the price of a body bag from the U.S. military's supplier : 1:1

Estimated percentage by which the average U.S. gasoline price would rise if costs of securing oil were recouped with a tax : 29

Minimum number of hydrogen-car fueling stations currently under construction in Tokyo : 4

Ratio of the number of Volkswagens sold in China last year to the number sold in the United States : 4:3

Ratio of the average garment-worker wage in China to that in Mexico : 1:3

Percentage of Mexicans who believe that the U.S. Southwest rightfully belongs to Mexico : 58

Number of new Indonesian islands discovered by satellite analysis in February : 1,000

Chance that a male human worldwide is a direct patrilineal descendant of Genghis Khan : 1 in 200

Chances that a thoroughbred stallion is a patrilineal descendant of the Darley Arabian, a seventeenth-century horse : 19 in 20

Price for a fifteen-child sleepover in the Bronx Zoo's Congo Gorilla Forest exhibit : $4,500

Per capita GDP of the Republic of Congo : $900

Estimated number of bird species that have declined because of Oregon logging since 1968 : 23

Estimated number that have increased because of logging : 2

Average number of days an oiled seabird survives in the wild after cleaning and release : 6

Average number of industrial compounds and pollutants that can be found in an American's blood and urine : 91

Average factor by which levels of uranium in the urine of Afghan test subjects last fall exceeded normal : 25

Pounds of steel discovered to have been eaten away from the head of an Ohio nuclear reactor in February 2002 : 70

Thickness in inches of the warped stainless steel that remained to prevent the reactor from rupturing into the air : 3⁄8

Grant that the Department of Energy gave a U.S. company last November to create a new living organism : $3,000,000

Percentage, respectively, of the U.S. fathers and mothers responsible for child support who do not pay it : 26, 36

Percentage of employed U.S. mothers who think full-time mothers look down on them : 66

Percentage of full-time mothers who think employed mothers look down on them : 73

Number of Japanese children who refused to attend school last year, according to Japan's government : 138,722

Fine that Britain's education minister has proposed levying on parents whose children are chronic truants : $3,900

Chance that a British military reservist called up since January has asked to be excused from duty : 1 in 8

Number of U.S. soldiers who faced disciplinary action between 1998 and 2000 for refusing an anthrax vaccine : 441

Number of U.S. doctors per pharmaceutical-sales representative in 1995 and last year, respectively : 19, 9

Estimated number of audience cell-phone calls that constituted a "telesymphony" performed last year in Austria : 5,000

Projected duration in years of John Cage's "As Slow as Possible," whose performance began last February in Germany : 639

Projected duration in months of the piece's opening three-note arpeggio : 18

:: phil 12:45 [link] ::


:: 5/27/2003 ::
die autonomen als neue linke.. ob man sich da involvieren sollte? mv..

"Die Autonomen, wie man und frau sie sowohl aus eigener Beteiligung als auch aus der distanzierten Medienanschauung in diesem Land kennt und zuweilen ja auch erleidet, existieren im Grunde genommen erst im Gefolge der 68er Revolte, vor allem in Westeuropa. Diese Revolte wurde in der zweiten Hälfte der 60er Jahre sozial hauptsächlich von einer StudentInnenbewegung getragen. Aus dieser sozialen Bewegung ist in Abgrenzung zur »Alten Linken« eine sogenannte »Neue Linke« entstanden. Diese neue Linke entwickelte sich aus einer Kritik sowohl an den Stellvertreterformen von Partei und Gewerkschaft als auch an den politischen Konzeptionen der traditionellen Arbeiterbewegung. Die Abgrenzung galt der westeuropäischen Sozialdemokratie wie dem osteuropäischem Bolschewismus, aber auch Elementen eines südeuropäischen Anarchismus. Sowohl gegen die in Westeuropa nach dem zweiten Weltkrieg restaurierten kapitalistischen Verhältnisse als auch gegen die geschichtsmächtig gewordenen Vorstellungen der traditionellen Arbeiterbewegung verstand sich die StudentInnenbewegung in ihrem Selbstverständnis als antiautoritär.


Die politischen Ursprünge der Autonomen lassen sich in der Folge des Zerfalls der Außerparlamentarischen Opposition (APO), bei den »Spontis«, bei den von Italien beeinflußten marxistisch-operaistischen Gruppierungen sowie bei libertär-anarchistischen Strömungen im Zusammenhang mit städtischen Subkulturen finden. Im Laufe der politischen Auflösung dieser linksradikalen Gruppierungen ab Mitte der 70er Jahre transformieren sich weite Teile der Spontibewegung in die beginnende Alternativbewegung. Diese Fluchttendenz aus frustrierend empfundenen herkömmlichen Formen der politischen Arbeit wird durch den »Deutschen Herbst« 1977 verstärkt.
Gleichzeitig werden zentrale Motive und Politikmuster der linksradikalen Szene (Ablehnung von Kaderorganisationen, Politik in der ersten Person, Prinzip der direkten Aktion, Basisdemokratie, Entwicklung von »Gegenöffentlichkeiten«) in popularisierter Form in den »neuen sozialen Bewegungen« aufgenommen.
Der spätestens ab Mitte der 70er Jahre einsetzende Aufstieg dieser Bewegungen trifft auf einen parallel verlaufenden Niedergang der ebenfalls aus der 68er Revolte hervorgegangenen dogmatischen marxistisch-leninistischen K-Gruppen. Die Ablehnung der von diesen verfolgten Politik war in der Praxis der Linksradikalen in den 70er Jahren stets ein wichtiger Baustein ihres eigenen Selbstverständnisses."

:: phil 16:59 [link] ::


crucial distinction I - more material

conspiracy buster

There is not space here to list and refute the various specific claims of 9-11 conspiracy theories, but three points of rebuttal should suffice. First, it is incredibly unlikely that the necessary network of players and operatives would or could have undertaken such a complicated and insanely risky enterprises as conducting the attacks or even of covering up evidence of their likely occurrence. Even on the incredibly dubious assumption that the required high-level players were so uneasy in their very privileged pre-September lives that they felt compelled to concoct such schemes of mass murder on American soil, the likelihood of discovery would have made it prohibitively dangerous.

Second, conspiracy theorists of the hard version forget that the likely perpetrators - the bin-Laden network - had both the independent means and (un-controversially) the motive(s) to conduct the operation. There's something practically racist in the notion that only people of European ancestry could have carried out something on 9-11's scale. The operation, moreover, is deeply consistent with threats made and targets marked by the likely culprits for quite some time.

Third, the idea that the elitist consequences of 9-11 - more wealth and power for the few and less of both for the many - somehow prove that 9-11 was the product of an elite US conspiracy is incredibly naïve. Conspiracy theorists of the sort who sneered at me fail to understand that aristocratic outcomes from crises are basically written into America's economic and sociopolitical structure. Democracy is a political system where each person has an equal vote and equal policy influence. It cannot meaningfully exist in a society structured along the lines of the contemporary US, where 1 percent of the population owns 47 percent of the nation's wealth and considerably more of its politicians, policymakers, and media. It cannot exist where ordinary people lacking cohesive organization, meaningful institutions of autonomous power, popular expression, and democratic organization, and even a sense of common interests face off against highly organized and extremely class-conscious wealthy interests. It cannot exist where such people are worked, commuted, and shopped to the point of exhaustion and must rely on a highly concentrated privately owned media for basic information. It is especially absent from the making of foreign policy, which is even more insulated from popular influence than domestic policy and whose largely hidden conception and execution carries vast consequences for the entire planet without anything but the slightest input from world citizens.

The structure of media ownership is especially pivotal in the current era. The owners and managers of the highly globalized corporate media, who have strong linkages with the military and oil industries and the national security-state, possess awesome, structurally encoded power to shape popular perceptions of current events. It does not serve their interests to translate the meaning of events in ways that question elite privilege and the related American imperial project. The outcome - incredibly biased coverage that favors war, imperial expansion, military expenditure, reduced civil liberties at home over critical democratic examination of US foreign policy and its role in making terror attacks on US targets predictable - is itself remarkably predictable, without resort to conspiracy theory.

A key consequence of this harsh structural reality is that those who possess highly concentrated wealth and power have remarkable capacity to exploit crises. They act on their special, structurally enabled capacity to turn terrible events and developments, including especially foreign attacks and domestic rebellions, into pretexts for policies that further their own wealth and power at the expense of everyone else.

Such is the traditional and consistent goal and behavior of those who sit atop society's leading institutions. As Noam Chomsky noted last February, the privileged "relentlessly" search for pretexts to advance their standard agenda, summarized in what Adam Smith called "the vile maxim of the masters
- 'Everything for me and nothing for everyone else.'" "Crises," Chomsky noted, "make it possible to exploit fear and concern to demand that the [people] be submissive, obedient, silent, distracted, while the powerful use the window of opportunity to pursue their own favored programs with even greater intensity." They are a means for "disciplining the population," which tends to look with disfavor as policies embodying the "vile maxim,"
and "shifting wealth and power even more" into "the master's" hands.

The aftermath of 9-11, Chomsky noted, is "typical" in this regard. As John Pilger has recently noted in his important work, The New Rulers of the World, ""the attacks of September 11, 2001 did not 'change everything,' but accelerated the continuity of events, providing an extraordinary pretext for destroying social democracy." They have provided the post-Cold War era's most spectacular excuse to date for the ongoing "reduction of democracy to electoral ritual: that is, competition between indistinguishable parties for the management of a single-ideology state."

As when applied to other events, conspiracy theories regarding 9-11 reflect two core misunderstandings of power and how it operates in the US. The first, broadly encouraged by the American educational, political, and media establishments, holds that the US is in fact a democracy. People who accept this fairy tale - the Founding Fathers' (most of whom agreed with John Jay that "those who own the country ought to run it") and the modern business class's ultimate shared nightmare - cannot easily grasp policy outcomes that dramatically serve the interests of the few over the many. For them, the temptation is strong to see such outcomes as the product of a dark conspiracy operating behind the back and against the wishes of their elected representatives and other leaders of the society's main institutions.

The second misunderstanding is of a different, even opposite nature. It wraps itself in an all-knowing sneer of cynicism yet holds a curiously wide-eyed and fantastic view of the masters or at least some part of the ruling class. Common among those who have been disabused of democratic myths and feel especially powerless in the face of concentrated power, it holds that dastardly elites manipulate the course of history from on high, pretty much in accordance with their own wishes. Little happens in the course of human events, some conspiracy theorists think, without the approval and intervention of an all-powerful but strangely secret elite.

Real understanding of power is found outside these poles of illusion. Those who possess it know that the weight of dominant influence over sociopolitical decision-making and public information (mass persuasion) is rooted in historically developed structures of concentrated power, "state and private, closely inter-linked" (Chomsky). They do not conclude from this that certain select members or designated operatives of the master class have been granted limitless potency to shape history from above. History, they know, is full of remarkable developments, some inspiring - the early phases of the Russian Revolution, the anti-Vietnam War movement, for example
- and others quite horrific (9/11 for example) from a radical-democratic perspective, that took place much to the surprise and against the wishes of the power elite.

That elite, they are aware, possesses exceptional capacity to make unexpected and initially unwelcome developments into pretexts for the expansion of their wealth and power. In the past, for example, it turned the initially unwelcome (for the privileged) existence of the Soviet Union into a pretext for the (welcome) historically unparalleled expansion of the military-industrial complex. It turned the antiwar movement, urban racial unrest, and antipoverty programs of the 1960s into pretexts for the expansion of a rigidly authoritarian criminal punishment state and workfare regime that enforces harsh class and race inequality in contemporary America. Now, with special assistance from an initially unwelcome and truly historic and evil terror attack last September, it has made the threat of terrorism into a pretext for an endless expansion of imperialism, militarism, and class privilege.

To note these outcomes, rooted in structurally encoded inequalities of ideological and policy power, however, is very different from saying that the masters have "cooked up" the developments they were able to exploit. The latter conclusion reads history through the rear view mirror and exaggerates the power and foresight of the ruling elite.

In truth, ordinary people would be fortunate if the masters of war and wealth needed to work behind or otherwise undermine the United States' leading institutions to achieve regressive and repressive policy results like those we have seen since 9-11. At the same time, we can be thankful that those masters have not become the God-like manipulators of history and consciousness, capable of creating historical events like something out of a bad X-Files episode. History lurches forward, in all its horror and glory, full of possibilities that continue to be chained and tragic consequences that remain predictable unless and until we develop and act upon an
appropriate understanding of power and how it operates.

*** *** ***

progressive response from z-mag

Where Are Conspiracy Theories Taking Us

It would be bad enough if endless personalistic attention to Irancontra, the October Surprise, Inslaw, etc., were just attuning people to search after coteries while ignoring institutions. This was the effect, for example, of the many Kennedy Assassination theorists of past decades. At least the values at play would be progressive and we could hope that people would soon gravitate toward real explanation of more structural phenomena.

But the fact is, the values inspiring conspiratorial ways of trying to explain events are beginning to drastically diverge from progressive values. Even some sectors of left activists have become so hungry for quick-fix conspiracy explanations they are beginning to gravitate toward any conspiracy claim, no matter how ridiculous.

Thus the field of conspiracy theorizing has become attractive and new entrants are no longer always progressive and sometimes even tilt toward reaction or downright fascism. The presentation of conspiracy theories has moved from little newsletters and journals to large audience radio talk shows and magazines and, at the same time, from identifying "secret teams" of CIA operatives to all-powerful networks of Arab financiers and worldwide Jewish bankers' fraternities.

What To Do About It

Leftist institutionalist theorists generally ignore conspiracy theorists as irrelevant. To confront their arguments is to enter a miasma of potentially fabricated detail from which there is no escape. Nothing constructive emerges. But perhaps this view needs some rethinking. When Holly Sklar, Steve Shalom, Noam Chomsky or any of many other left analysts talk about events, even about Irancontra or the October Surprise, they pay attention to proximate facts but also the institutional context. That's as it should be, but apparently it's no longer good enough. Now, those who have an institutional critique may have two additional responsibilities. First, perhaps they should point out the inadequacy of left conspiracy theory, showing that at best it does not go far enough to be useful for organizers. Second, perhaps they should debunk and castigate rightist conspiracy theory, removing its aura of opposition and revealing its underlying racist and elitist allegiances.

Likewise, when progressive radio talk shows and left journals and magazines invite people to communicate with their public about world and national events, it is good to be sure the guest is coherent, has effective speaking or writing style, talks about the issues, identifies actors accurately, and knows about the relevant history. But it isn't enough. Fascists can fulfill these standards and still spout made-up statistics as if they were facts, disgusting allegations about social groups as if they were objective commentary, and nothing at all about real institutional relations, passing this whole mess off as a useful way to look at the world to understand and affect social events. Left media, even strapped as it is, should take responsibility for its offerings. People expect that if commentators appear on our shows and in our publications they have a degree of integrity, honesty, and sensitivity. We should not lend credence to right-wing garbage, whether it is blatant or so well concealed as to be civil but malicious. Even regarding progressive and left conspiracy theory, while it often uncovers important evidence, left activists ought to indicate its limits and augment it with institutional and contextual analysis.

:: phil 16:47 [link] ::


Revolutionäre Negerküsse

Am 30. Juli 1975 zur üblichen Zeit - halb zehn - wird eine Sparkassenfiliale in Berlin-Neukölln von fünf Leuten der Bewegung 2. Juni »gemacht«. Während des Ausräumens der Kassen bietet eine Genossin den KundInnen und Angestellten an, sich aus einem Karton mitgebrachter »Negerküsse« zu bedienen. Aus Angst oder Verdutztheit greift aber niemand zu, der Karton bleibt auf dem Tresen zurück, das Geld (gut 100.000 DM) wird mitgenommen. Die Berliner Polizei löst eine Großfahndung aus und durchsucht nach einem Hinweis auch einen ganzen Wohnblock mit mehreren hundert schwerbewaffneten Bullen, die aber morgens um vier ergebnislos abziehen.

Sechs Stunden später werden sie wieder in den Dienst gerufen, denn erneut haben zwei Männer und drei Frauen der Bewegung 2. Juni eine Bank nach dem Muster des Vortages »gemacht«. Die zweite Kiste »Negerküsse« landete im Polizeilabor und wur-de - selbstverständlich vergeblich - auf Betäubungsmittel hin untersucht.

Das in den Banken verteilte Flugblatt fand weniger Eingang in die linke Erinnerung, es war knapp und spielte auf ein Konjunkturprogramm der regierenden SPD-FDP-Koalition an:

Konjunkturprogramm der Bewegung 2. Juni

Wo alle sagen, daß der Rubel wieder rollen muß, damit die Schornsteine wieder rauchen, will auch unsere Bewegung im Rahmen ihrer bescheidenen Möglichkeiten - schließlich sitzen wir alle im gleichen Latrinendampfer - einen Beitrag leisten. Hoffentlich geht's gut, also: HER MIT DER KOHLE!!!

Revolutionäre Negerküsse von der Stadtguerilla der Bewegung 2. Juni!

:: phil 14:55 [link] ::


du gehst fuenf tage in der woche arbeiten, fuenf tage bist du nur ein bauteil ihres systems.

du lebst nur noch fuer's wochenende, aber auch da pfuschen sie dir rein, die ordnungshueter, sozialarbeiter und spiesser, die fuer dich entscheiden wollen, dir den richtigen weg weisen wollen.

sie haben das recht oder nehmen es sich, darueber zu entscheiden, was richtig ist und was nicht.

sie sagen es ist richtig, kampfflugzeuge, panzer und raketen von unseren steuergeldern zu bauen und sie nach kurzer zeit wieder zu verschrotten, weil der stand der technik jetzt hoeher ist.

sie sagen, es ist richtig, dass du in schichten und am wochenende arbeitest.

deine interessen nach gemeinsamer freizeit mit freundin und freunden muessen hinten anstehen, wenn es darum geht, den profit deines chefs zu steigern.

sie sagen, es ist richtig, wenn du dich anpasst und aufhoerst darueber nachzudenken, warum du deine interessen, deine vorstellungen von deinem leben aufgeben sollst.

du willst freiheit, sie wollen sklaven ohne eigene meinung, nur die bildzeitung vor augen, sklaven, fuer die der videorecorder, das auto, die familie alles ist, sie wollen dich in ihr netz verstricken, so tief, dass du gar nicht anders kannst als mitzuspielen, aber sie werden die spielregeln bestimmen.

wenn Du nicht in ihr netz gehst, schicken sie Dich zu beratungsstellen, sozialarbeitern, bewaehrungshelfern - und, hilft dies alles nicht, versuchen sie dich im knast fuer ihren weg zu beugen.

du weisst, du willst ihr system nicht, ein system, das dir jeden tag vorschreibt, was du zu tun und zu lassen hast, sie verachten dich, weil sie dich nicht verstehen, weil sie angst haben vor deiner vorstellung vom leben, von einem leben in freiheit und gerechtigkeit, sie haben angst, dass mehr leute so denken und sie eines tages ihre macht verlieren koennten.

:: phil 14:37 [link] ::


The Internationale

Emil Luckhardt, 1910

Arise ye workers from your slumbers
Arise ye prisoners of want
For reason in revolt now thunders
And at last ends the age of cant.
Away with all your superstitions
Servile masses arise, arise
We'll change henceforth the old tradition
And spurn the dust to win the prize.

So comrades, come rally
And the last fight let us face
The Internationale
unites the human race!

No more deluded by reaction
On tyrants only we'll make war
The soldiers too will take strike action
They'll break ranks and fight no more
And if those cannibals keep trying
To sacrifice us to their pride
They soon shall hear the bullets flying
We'll shoot the generals on our own side.

So comrades, come rally
And the last fight let us face
The Internationale
unites the human race!

No saviour from on high delivers
No faith have we in prince or peer
Our own right hand the chains must shiver
Chains of hatred, greed and fear
E'er the thieves will out with their booty
And give to all a happier lot.
Each at the forge must do their duty
And we'll strike while the iron is hot!

So comrades, come rally
And the last fight let us face
The Internationale
unites the human race!

:: phil 14:33 [link] ::
